Marie Samuelsson

Composer Tonsättare

The music of Marie Samuelsson has been recognized as sensual, in newly formed sonorous beauty and exciting rhythm. Samuelsson was inducted into the Royal Swedish Academy of Music in 2005. She has received the Ingvar Lidholm Award, the Bo Wallner Memorial Award and 2023 the large Christ Johnson Award for The Crane’s Beak, (Brandnäva), a double concerto for guitar, violin and orchestra. 

”Physicality, Intellect, Rhythm, Force of Personality—these have been the defining aspects, the watchwords, of Marie Samuelsson’s music hitherto. Love now needs to be added to the list.” Guy Rickards, Gramophone.

Hon är en starkt personlig röst i den nya svenska musiken. Hennes verk uppvisar en oavbrutet fängslande klangfantasi och stor tematisk bredd. Och en djup inlevelse i människans villkor”. Ingvar Lidholm, prismotivering.