Music – Musik


Läten för ny tid / Calls for new times (2021)
for orchestra

order score at Gehrmans duration 8.00

Flygande linjer och dån/Airborne Lines and Rumbles (2008)
order score at Gehrmans duration 18.00

Singla (2007)
order score at Gehrmans duration 16.00

Fear and Hope (2006)
order score at Gehrmans duration 10.00

Lufttrumma III/Air Drum III (1999)
order score at Gehrmans duration 5.00

Magica de Hex (1994)
order score at Gehrmans duration 10.00

Rotationer/Rotation (1997/2003)
string orchestra order score at Gehrmans duration 13.00

Troll (1993)
youth symphony orchestra
order score at MIC


Brandnäva/The Crane´s Beak (2019)
Double Concerto For
Guitar, Violin and Orchestra

Hornet i blåsten/The horn in the wind (2010)
Horn Concerto, horn and orchestra
order score at MIC
duration 20.00

Bastet Solgudinnan/Bastet the Sun goddess (2004)
Violin concerto, violin and orchestra 
order score at Gehrmans
duration 20.00


Scener ur ett polyamoröst äktenskap (2020-2021)
for soprano, mezzo and baryton
clarinet Bb/bass clarinet Bb
percussion, violoncello

order at MIC, duration 72.00 

Jorun orm i öga (2012-2013)
i två akter
libretto Kerstin Ekman

soloists 1 alt, 1 sop, 1 bar and choir, 3 sop, 3 alto, 3 tenor 3 bass 
fl, cl, hn, tpt, perc1, perc 2, teorbo, hp, vln, vln, vla, vlc
order at MIC duration
Akt 1 70 min. Akt 2 50 min. Total duration 2 hours.

CHAMBER ORCHESTRA (14-16 musicians)

The Sound Over the Sea (2022)
order store at Gehrmans

Sorgestråk/Paths of sorrow (2005)
order score at MIC
duration 8.40

Flow (2000)
order score at MIC
duration 8.35

Magica de Hex (1993)
chamber ensemble and vlc solo
order score at Gehrmans
duration 10.00


Fantasia i cirkel/ Fantasia in a circle (2011)
fl, cl, vl, vc
order score at Gehrmans
duration 9.20

Skuggspel/Shadow play (2005)
ob, perc
order score at MIC
duration 9.00

Pingvinkvartett/Penguin Quartet (1996)
fl, vl, vc, pf
order score at composer
duration 6.00

Lufttrumma II/Air Drum II (1994)
quintet, fl, cl, perc, arpa, cb
order score at MIC duration 8.00

Lufttrumma I/Air Drum I (1993)
a-sax, pf, perc
order score at MIC
duration 8.00


Fanfar till livet! (2010)
2 trp, 4 hn, 2 trbn, b trbn
order score at MIC
duration 4.30

Composition – Improvisation (2007)
duo, 2 saxophones
order score at MIC
duration 12.00

Sirén (1996)
saxophone quartet
order score at MIC
duration 7.00

Krom/Chrome (1994)
brass quintet
order score at Gehrmans
duration 7.00

Signal (1991)
saxophone quartet
order score at MIC
duration 7.00

Katt: Nio liv/Cat: Nine lives (1989)
wind quintet 
order score at MIC
duration 7.00


Two lives (2013)
vln duo
order score at Gerhmans
duration 9.00

Sjörök under Stockholms broar (2009)
string quartet
order score at MIC
duration 7.40


Tornet i Hanoi nr 1/The Hanoi Tower nr 1 (1988)
2 perc players
order score at MIC
duration 6.00

Tornet i Hanoi nr 2/The Hanoi Tower nr 2 (1990)
5 perc players
order score at MIC
duration 7.00


Någon lär sig flyga/Somebody is learning how to fly (2012)
solo clarinet
order score at Gehrmans
duration 9.40

Alive (2010)
vln solo 
order score at MIC
duration 9.00

Elvahundratjugo grader/Eleven hundred and twelve degrees  (2006)
vc solo and tape

order score at MIC/Composer
duration 11.00

Ö/Island (2002)
solo violin
order score at Gehrmans
duration 6.50

I am – are You? (2001)
hornsolo and tape 
text: Magnus William-Olsson
order score at Gehrmans
duration 10.50


Fred/Piece (2022)
for girl choir
text: Lars Forssell
order score at MIC

duration 5.00

Talkörer (2002)
5 singers, 2 actors order score at SR
text: Magnus William-Olsson
score at MIC
duration  15.00

Den Natten (1992)
text: Magnus William-Olsson
16 voices
order score at MIC
duration 5.55

Luftsång/Air Song (1994)
1 sopr, 2 altos, 1 perc.
score at MIC
duration 5.00

Andra platser/Other Places  (1989)
text: Magnus William-Olsson
alto, vc, perc
order score at Composer
duration 6.00


Passage II (2016)
Mixed media, sound file and vln live
Josef Doukkali grafik, photo, text,
Composer music
duration 15.00

Myon sång/Muon Song (1998)
soundfile Composer
duration 15.00

Dig Speglad/You Reflected– an onomatopoetic cycle (1995)
voice, perc, vln, vlc, electronics, soundfile at SR
text: Magnus William-Olsson
order score at MIC
duration 15.00

Landskap efter Verlaine/Landscape following Verlaine (1996)
Videoinstallation Carl Henrik Svenstedt film,
Composer music
duration 20.00


Det brinnande/It’s burning
Music to a dance performance for string quartet
Efva Lilja and composer

Från Indien till Mars/From India to March (1990-91)
Music to a dance performance for string quartet with improvised guitar
order at MIC and composer
duration 15.00

16 works for dance performances
and stage music/theatre not listed here